5G cloud networking access exists today and most companies do not realize it

Cloud Connectivity with 5G in 2022

5G cloud connectivity access exists today utilizing the early foray of telecom providers to route to IaaS environments easily.  However, most companies do not realize this is available with their cloud service providers (CSPs) or do they feel it’s not a priority.  Why?  It’s in the network team’s DNA to route traffic over traditional private, or public access options either dedicated or shared.  However, many organizations see the benefit of breaking away from a traditional Wireline connection such as Broadband or Dedicated Internet Access to support their growing connectivity consumption in public cloud.  However, running an entire office, even a small remote location can prove to be difficult if various workloads reside within cloud architectures.   The challenge for many applications, having consistent and high available throughput is a necessity which 5G does not offer.  Unfortunately, these wireless


Categories of 5G Connections into Cloud Options

  1. Remote Users:  Utilizing 5G SIM cards for Remote workers or HA designs for executives is a great option to consider
  1. Branch offices:  5G backup for Cloud connectivity should be considered as a 3rdoption in a pooled plan.  Look for a traditional DIA circuit, followed by Broadband backup as these services are so commoditized today.
  1. Pricing:  A 1Gbps asymmetrical connection typically falls in the $400-$500 per month range compared to $450 per month with 5G/LTE service with a 50Mbps (at best connection)


5G limitations into Public Cloud

  1. Bandwidth:  Most organizations require a minimum 100Mbps up to a full 1Gbps of throughput especially for cloud connectivity originating from an office.  Today, 5G does not full capability everywhere and the three main carriers in the United States have advantage territories and in some geos no coverage.   Therefore, it’s really recommended you take a node-by-node approach.  Plus, if organizations do not have a concrete plan to add 5G into an WAN/SDWAN and use IPSEC for example this could stall deployments internally.  This does not mean 5G is bad or teams shouldn’t deploy it, however it is strongly recommended when we design cloud connectivity options, to take a very methodical approach.  Macronet Services has quickly perfected a 5G design and test methodology around this.


  1. Equipment:  Rack mounting a 5G device or placing a SIM near your demarc in a basement of a building?  Think again.  IT teams must carefully understand the proper placement of 5G access devices relative to signal both from the carrier and to your premise equipment.  If you have remote locations in high-rise buildings, understanding fiber homeruns to your NID will be very important.  This can delay install and possibly loss of signaling depending on the MDF to IDF capability.  Thorough planning before flipping the switch is necessary.


Public Cloud providers 5G offerings

AWS announced a fully private 5G wireless network to support connectivity remotely to their cloud. Private wireless networks similar to a public network, requires specific understanding as well and should be thoroughly architected for your organization. AWS’ 5G appears to be an using a Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) band which is used by various organization.  This certainly will be the first of many cloud native providers (SaaS, PaaS as well) who will begin to leverage 5G as it becomes mainstream.


5G for Business Networks – Great article on what is 5G for enterprise networking.


In summary, 5G similar to all other access methods, Dedicated Internet Access (DIA), Private Line, Broadband and Direct Connects require expert engineering assessments.  If you would like a free network review and assessment of your cloud networking potential design, contact us.  We’ve deployed hundreds of customers across the globe and acutely


Free Cloud Networking Assessment Review

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