Best Ways to Use Zoom In Small Conference Rooms

Imagine you go back into the office and you have to speak with a colleague who is working from home. You have another colleague in the office who you also have joining this meeting, but they sit across the way from you. The two of you leave your desks with just a cell phone and are able to see which conference rooms are available so you book a two person meeting room, but when you walk in, there is a display on the wall and a Polycom Phone sitting on the table. You want to see what your colleague at home has been working on, but you don’t have a way to view the content easily from what is provided in your conference room.

So you go back to your desk, grab your laptop and join at your workspace alone. YOu’ve been doing this style of meeting for 12+ months and you finally wanted to be able to interact with them in person.

Imagine a difference scenario now where you have a team of 8 people of which 6 are in the office. Your leader has reserved a conference room named Silicon Valley for a meeting. You and your buddies walk down the hall with nothing but a pen and paper. You sit down at an 8 person table and on the iPad controller you’re able to see your meeting invite that was sent from your desk. You click the JOIN button and enter the video conference call. YOur two colleagues sitting at home are already speaking when the leader shuts the door and everyone silences.

The leader stays standing and pacing around the room. The mic is able to follow the speaker’s voice through using beam tracking technology. The camera is properly positioned where they are able to see the speaker walk up to an interactive white board on the back wall and shatar a virtual whiteboard session. The person sitting at the controller selects the camera preset for the whiteboard speaker who is standing 20’ away from the camera. The camera automatically adjusts the FOV by pan tilt and zoom into the speaker at the interactive whiteboard.

The content written on the board is shared with both the people sitting in the room along with everyone on the far end. The technology in the room is seamlessly and easily used by the most technology challenged individual who is standing at the interactive display.

No longer do you have to bring your laptop and other personal AV technology to the conference room. Your company has built AV technology into all of your conference rooms because your team doesn’t just have in-person meetings anymore. The reality is that if you don’t accommodate the remote participants, you’re letting your team down. Since the start of 2021, we have helped our customers with the smallest and simplest conference rooms accommodate the remote participant through Zoom Room video conferencing hardware. We have used dozens of different hardware types from Neat to Crestron to Aver or Biamp. Your small and medium spaces can be simple or complex. It all depends on how you set them up. These rooms are and will be the most use rooms that need good AV.

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