Boston Datacenter Colocation in 2023

Boston Colocation options consists of a variety N+1 datacenters in and around the city/metro area.  Many providers offer access to cloud interconnects such as AWS, Azure and OCI which is beneficial to those who have developed a hybrid infrastructure.  Colocation options vary, and teams should consider which data center is right for their workloads which are not cloud native or require physical on premise needs.

History of Boston Datacenters

Telecom Consulting assists organizations in an unbiased, independent manner to design, benchmark and deploy next gen networks across telco data carriers.  A consultant in telecom has years of technical background experience in both the architecture and pricing negotiations arena to support your business.  For many enterprises, the telecom contract refresh with carrier vendors happens every 3-5 years, drastically putting them at a disadvantage.

Advantages of colocation in the Boston Metro

  1. 20+ years of established infrastructure
  2. Multiple vendor options to enable redundancy
  3. Proximity to BGP Route Reflectors
  4. Cost effective alternative to New York and New Jersey datacenters


Disadvantages of collocating in the Boston Metro

  1. Unsure which datacenter operator is right for your business
  2. Not all colos offer the correct cloud interconnect to Oracle, AWS, Azure, GCP and a host (no pun intended) SaaS providers.


Disaster Recovery with a Boston Datacenter

If you could leverage additional, private networks to connect across regions to other datacenters, would you execute this for DR?  What if we told you, it’s now easier to use two disparate colo vendors with private, real-time fiber allocation in minutes?  This is possible and connecting two data center providers for redundancy is something we do regularly.  An example is you want to have an Equinix data center in VA and a TierPoint datacenter in Boston.  Establishing connectivity between these two facilities is achievable in minutes leveraging private fiber in a software defined network.  Plus, you can still have cloud interconnects at each datacenter to build a true hybrid mesh network.



How can a datacenter colocation consultant assist your business?

  1. Benchmarking:Repricing the existing or new service offerings across multiple providers, without those telecom providers requesting multiple meetings is paramount.  As a telecom consultant we have access to industry and specific pricing across voice and data carriers sometimes keeping the direct vendor on the sidelines until they are needed later.


  1. Colocation design:


  1. Data center Contracts:All colocation Contracts should possess favorable terms should be negotiated and there are three main areas every organization should request.  However, if you only go to contract every 3 years, you are at a disadvantage.
  2. Cloud Interconnects


  1. Cloud Networking into the corporate FinOpsStrategy:  As more organizations leverage cloud over a traditional datacenter, using a colocation advisor will help secure cost optimization in alignment with your FinOps org.  Many services which connect multi-cloud today can be billed on a monthly or hourly basis which is completely opposite of the traditional carrier model.  This is a huge opportunity for organizations to take advantage of cloud networking design and testing without making long-term commitment mistakes.



We have worked thousands of colocation designs the last 20 years and would welcome the opportunity to assist yours.  Please reach out, we’d be happy to provide a simple and free audit to steer you into a the right savings plans before you even decide to work with us.


Contact us to explore Colocation Consulting Options

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