How to connect to OCI (Oracle Cloud Infrastructure)—Video Explainer + Easy Steps

To connect your data center colocation to OCI, you must really understand the nuances which exist on the carrier side.  OCI FastConnect allows customers to easily on-ramp into their cloud, however, the carrier connection back to your data center can be tricky if this is your first connection.   

Watch the Video on how to Connect your Data Center to OCI FastConnect

We put together a quick video tutorial you can watch here and read the summarized dictation from the session as well at your leisure.  Our recommendation is to contact us for free design which might save you several steps and prevent a misconfiguration.  

Here is the summarized dictation from the call, we hope you enjoy the video. 

The goal today is just to briefly go through at a macro level how to connect to OCI FastConnect expeditiously but also doing it the right way. The question that I get asked all the time is who the best provider is to connect my data center to OCI FastConnect.  My answer always is the right one. I know, it sounds a little cliche, but not every Tier 1 ISP carrier in your use case is the best fit.  

There are some carriers that do things differently based on what your business need is, and they may not be the right solution for another client. That’s why we always try to look at what is the best fit for you based on your topology. We’ll talk a little bit more about that. Today we’ll talk simply, as I mentioned to the data center connection for OCI.  

We do have another video on connecting cloud to cloud. That could be OCI, OCI or OCI to another cloud provider.   Look for that second video which is another excellent consideration to just walk you through how to use other providers to facilitate a Layer 1-3 connection between OCI and your destination.  



Customer Challenges Connecting your DataCenter to OCI FastConnect 

Some of the challenges that clients have for their on premise is the team is the cloud platform team and they do not have transformative experience in wide area network (WAN) into OCI.  Not that they will fumble on this, but just keep in mind that they don’t have a lot of repetitions designing.   

We work with a lot of those account customers. We often educate the carriers on who they need to work with in their own internal organization to solve the network design.   Because we’ve worked with that carrier so many times and it’s a collaborative environment, we want to help the that carrier account team as well if needed.  If you don’t have an account team, or if you’re looking for a new one, we can actually get one assigned to you.  

The other part is the cloud teams don’t have a lot of experience in negotiating the order form or the contract and really corralling the network provider to make sure that you can connect from point A, which is your data center, to OCI. The other thing too, a lot of organizations don’t realize Oracle makes it very advantageous from an egress standpoint compared to other Cloud service providers.   



OCI FastConnect Designs to your DataCenter 

We can, we can support redundant designs as well. If you want to connect, you know an HA pair to build that N + 1 redundancy from your data center into Oracle, we certainly can do that. It’s obviously an added cost that you must procure with the carriers, but we’ll help negotiate that pricing down for you.  

We can also assist with those providers as part of the project management workflow once you place the order.  

 Key considerations for OCI FastConnect to your DataCenter: 


The last bullet, we are not replacement of your team. We are not looking to take over your IT team you simply need some help at this stage, and we will help you and guide you.  



There are so many positives connecting to OCI FastConnect which is why we really enjoy working with Oracle.  They understand it from a network standpoint and have provided flexibility for clients.   

And we hope you enjoy your new connection from your data center that you’re about to order after this session.  If you need any assistance or would like to ask us any questions, please do as we are able to provide a free, customized design in about an hour.  Contact us today!   


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