Network Engineer for Cloud Connectivity in Boston

Cloud Network Engineer experience in Boston and surrounding areas have become a mandatory need, especially for IaaS connectivity.  Organizations looking to extend or leverage AWS, Azure, GCP and OCI cloud environments are lacking experienced individuals who grew up in Wide Area Network (WAN) deployments.  Not just experience in designing and deploying cloud connectivity from the WAN but truly understanding how to connect your network into public cloud providers.   

Job Description for Network Engineers in Cloud

Many organizations who deploy cloud services have a deep engineering organization, however many lack a truly experienced layer 1-3 engineer.  This is someone who has deployed WANs using MPLS, Software Defined or IPSEC related environments.  When looking for a team player, companies should focus on the following skills at a minimum

Cloud Networking Skills:

Macronet Services Network Engineer Rates

We offer network engineering rates of $150 per hour in 1-hour increments with a seasoned resource.  This has been extremely successful for our clients to parachute a cloud network engineer into their topology, setup, document and hand-over the governance to the full-time staff.  Due to the Great Resignation, we’ve seen hundreds of companies lose great talent only to pause or stop key projects, force others members to fill the gap with less experience and in some case deploy services incorrectly (or higher cost).  

Our WAN and Cloud Engineering Rates can support:

Contact us for a Network Engineer to support a small or long-term project.  Utilize our daily experience

Happy connecting!

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