Who is Arelion—Quick Guide to a Leading Tier 1 ISP

Arelion Tier 1 ISP Overview

Arelion is the global telecom formerly known as Telia Carrier, headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden.  Arelion is presently owned by Polhem Infra who is backed by many of the largest Swedish public investment funds.  The company has under 100 employees and is led by CEO Daniel Kurgan. 

The Tier 1 global internet backbone of Arelion is designated AS1299 (Twelve99) and currently maintains AS Rank #2 according to Caida’s ASRank.  The Arelion network spans nearly 47,000 miles across 125 countries in Europe, Asia and North America and terminates at over 350 PoPs wordwide.   

Arelion History & Services

Since 1993, Arelion has experienced growth by focusing primarily on acquiring and servicing wholesale customers including other global telecoms and the major content providers.  Arelion does, however, have a focused product set for business customers seeking to deploy a global internet transit based wide area network. 

The team at Macronet Services designs, sources, and implements global enterprise networks and can leverage Arelion’s services for clients whose architectures might include IP Transit, wavelengths (DWDM), Ethernet (EVPL and ELAN), and cloud connectivity to cloud service providers including Oracle, AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform, and IBM.  Arelion also has a network-based DDoS mitigation solution with core-based scrubbers.  Take a look at our Network Design Playbook. 

Contact us anytime at Macronet Services to discuss options for your global network and how our team can assist. 

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