IT Consultants in Boston

It is difficult to find a team of IT consultants that has a blend if business and technical acumen, as well as extensive IT industry experience.  Mid-sized enterprises are seeking expertise from boutique agencies, rather than from the big names in consulting and they are finding that the output is much more focused on their specific needs – and much more cost-effective.  Further, IT leaders are realizing that they can build a trusted long-term relationship with smaller consulting firms who truly understand their business and can target their output to align with the strategic goals of the business.

At Macronet Services, we have built a strong bench of experienced IT professionals our clients can tap for common needs that arise when planning or implementing an IT transformation project.  Top practice areas include:

Although we are a New England area firm, we work on global network solutions and have tools and deep insights into network solutions and service providers to support fortune 500 clients and smaller regional businesses.

Our approach is to start with a conversation about your current initiatives and long-term goals.  Our team will quickly tell you if we have the specific skill sets and experience for your needs, or we will tap our extensive professional network to hand you off with warm introduction to trusted entities with the specific focus that you are seeking.

Think global – consult local.  Contact us anytime to have a conversation about your needs and we will gladly help plan a pathway to success.

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