IntelePeer is a Communication Platform as a Service (CPaaS) organization focused on delivering tailored Omnichannel services for their customers. Unliked traditional UCaaS, IntelePeer’s CPaaS provides the ability to have deeper customizations across APIs morphing greater business logic to support communications.  IntelePeer’s Atmosphere CPaaS provides a robust platform to delivery Voice, SMS, Enterprise Chat and CRM integration seamlessly.  IntelePeer will not provide you the right way to perform Customer Experience & Customer Success business outcomes nor should they.  Your business is its own unique use case and therefore leave how your support customers to your Customer Success leaders and CPaaS offerings like IntelePeer as a tool to get you there.  Let’s discuss how IntelePeer is an option for many global brands worldwide.

Customers using IntelePeer include:

Communications Platform as a Service (CPaaS)

IntelePeer’s Atmosphere® CPaaS is designed to provide an easier Omnichannel integration to deliver superior Customer Experience.   This approach allows organizations to perform less development internally by taking a low-code approach and utilizing the API & Analytics engine already developed by IntelePeer.

  • IntelePeer’s  SmartFlows:SmartFlows is a Visual designer used to design and deploy work-flows which integration into your existing business processes and corporate applications
  • IntelePeer’s Engage:Offering excellent Customer Experience in Omni-channel campaign management application that allows users to easily execute campaigns such as promotions, billing reminders, maintenance notifications, and more.

IntelePeer’s Insights:  Organizations can leverage the power of AI & Predictive Modeling to provide tools to understand your customers behaviors and desired outcomes more thorough

Self-service options

IntelePeer does provide IT & Contact Centers the option to automate process and workflows to validate or provide self-service support for your customers.  This automation process could vary from checking account balances, paying invoice or simply confirmation an appointment; it all is based on your organization’s business model use case.  More customers are opting for self-service functionality when they purchase services from companies and the trend will only continue.  Self-Service automation does reduce full-time employee expense, training, and room for specific errors in your workflow.  Additionally, in times of increased business or busy times, utilizing more logic functions such as Self-Service can allow your company to scale.

Voice Services

IntelePeer’s voice coverage is not only in the United States, but it also supports Atmosphere Voice Services is a powerful communications platform that delivers global voice connectivity over an all-IP network. Our reliable and flexible platform eases the transition to IP-enabled cloud services, provides scalability, and creates significant cost savings.  IntelePeer does integrate with Microsoft Teams to provide a reliable direct routing option with emergency 911 functionality.  This provides a robust option as the dialing plan is all inclusive and you can port your existing Telephone Numbers regardless of the current provider




AtmosphereÂŽ Messaging allows users to send and receive messaging through business phone numbers. Through an SMS API, Messaging for Cisco Webex Teams, and Short Codes, IntelePeer offers a cost-effective, omni-channel communications solution to automate business processes and connect with customers through their preferred communication method.

IntelePeer Analytics

IntelePeer provides standard out of the box reporting options to analyze your business.  Many organizations take their Customer Experience or Customer Success Metrics simply from CSAT, NPS or tools such as GainSight.  However many organizations fail to capitalize on built-in mechanisms to compliment the aforementioned excellent metrics or tools.


IntelePeer deploys some excellent options around the following:

  • Organizational Usage
  • Call Capacity
  • Network Performance with 5 or 60 Minute intervals up to 24 Hours
  • Call Attempts, Origination & Termination of Traffic
  • KPIs
  • Origination and Termination traffic. Analytics is accessible under the “My Applications” section and provides insight into the call attempts, usage, and completion ratios. G


IntelePeer Free 30-day Trial.

If you are interested in trialing the IntelePeer Atmosphere CPaaS especially if you have a legacy PBX or Call Center Architecture, we highly recommend this.  Not technology can solve Customer Success Metrics if a flawed retention policy exists.  However, implementing the right technology as a foundation to your Customer Success Managers, IT and ultimately customers is the right approach.  Start with a 30-day trial and test drive the options with Intelepeer immediately.  Contact Us on how to drive for Free now!